COSPAR (COmmittee on SPAce Research) is an interdisciplinary
scientific organization concerned with the progress on an international scale of
all kinds of fundamental research carried out with the use of balloons, rockets,
or rocket propelled vehicles. Operating under the rules of ICSU, COSPAR ignores
political considerations and considers all questions solely from the scientific
viewpoint. The COSPAR journal Advances in
Space Research includes the proceedings of COSPAR organized symposia and
other scientific meetings organized by this Committee, containing the latest
scientific information in this area.
Material published has been presented to the international
community of space scientists and, following discussions at the meetings, edited
by eminent scientists in the field. The policy of the Editorial Board is that
only reviewed papers may be considered for publication. Fields covered are:
Space Studies of the Earth's Surface, Meteorology and Climate; Space Studies of
the Earth-Moon System, Planets and Small Bodies of the Solar System; Space
Studies of the Upper Atmospheres of the Earth and Planets, including Reference
Atmospheres; Space Plasmas in the Solar System, including Planetary
Magnetospheres; Research in Astrophysics from Space; Materials Sciences in
Space; Life Sciences as Related to Space.