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Tectonophysics is an international medium for the publication of significant original research studies and comprehensive reviews in the fields of geotectonics, and geology and physics of the earth's crust and interior. The Editorial Board, composed of prominent scientists from around the world, is representative of the many disciplines covered by the journal. Submitted papers are subject to peer review to ensure that the required standard of scientific excellence is maintained.
All subjects relating to the geology and geophysics of the Earth's crust and mantle are covered, including regional- and plate tectonics, crustal movements, mantle structure and dynamics, seismology, marine geophysics, gravity, petrology, heat flow, rock- and palaeomagnetism. On a geologically smaller scale, the structural geology subjects covered include all aspects of folding, faulting, fracturing, stress- and strain analysis, petrofabrics, microstructures, rock mechanics and mineral physics. The frequent large scale geological maps, seismic sections and other diagrams, are a noteworthy feature. In addition Special Issues devoted to a single topic, and edited by an authority in that field, are also published.