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Transport in Porous Media is devoted to the presentation of original basic and applied research work on the physical and chemical aspects of transport of extensive quantities such as mass of a fluid phase, mass of a component of a phase, momentum and energy, in single and multiphase flow in a (possibly deformable) porous medium domain, as encountered in a variety of scientific and engineering disciplines: chemical, civil, agricultural, petroleum and mechanical, to mention but a few. Understanding these transport phenomena, first at the microscopic scale and then at larger ones, serves as a basis for the construction of deterministic and stochastic mathematical and numerical models that describe them. These models are then used, among other cases, to describe flow and contaminant transport in aquifers and in the unsaturated zone, oil and gas movement in petroleum reservoirs, solvent drives and enhanced oil recovery, heat and mass transport in packed bed reactors in chemical engineering, in geothermal reservoirs and in building materials, spreading of pollutants from radioactive waste repositories, filtration processes, and transport of fluids and chemicals in lungs and other organs, as studies in biomedical engineering.

The emphasis in Transport in Porous Media is on both theory, laboratory work and (nonroutine) applications. New developments in analytical and numerical techniques are also welcome. Occasionally, invited state of the art reviews are included when they provide a solid background for future research.