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The Seventh Annual Ascher H. Shapiro Lecture in Fluid Mechanics
The Seventh Annual Ascher H. Shapiro Lecture in Fluid Mechanics will be presented by Stephen H. Davis, Department of Applied Mathematics and Engineering Science,Ê Northwestern University. The Lecture is sponsored by the Department of Mechanical Engineering and the Fluid Mechanics Laboratory at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. The presentation will be held in MIT Room 34-101 at 4:30 pm on Monday, May 8, 2000. It is entitled


Many modern topics in fluid mechanics involve small-scale systems: MEM's, Inter- and Intracellular biology, heat transfer from electronic boards. In these small-scale geometries the boundaries of the fluid are no longer passive; their chemical and physical properties enter the continuum description of the flows. These active boundaries are the sites of wetting characteristics, latent heat production, and thermo- and solutocapillary effects. The boundaries can drive the dominant flows in the bulk.

In this talk three simple model systems will be sketched, each of which involves phase transformation and each of which displays surprising behaviors. These are the growth of a vapor bubble, the spreading of a volatile liquid on a hot plate, and the freezing of a sessile drop.

Refreshments will follow the lecture.
Contact: Claire Sasahara, bldg 3-258, x3-5365, cmsas@mit.edu


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