Adam, for Internet aerospace links. |
"Advanced Topics in Aerodynamics,"
an Internet guide to aerodynamics, computational
fluid dynamics and related technology (aeronautical sciences, road vehicles, propulsion,
energy conversion systems, design and more). Maintained by Antonio Filipino, Institute of
Energy Engineering, D T U, Lyngby Denmark. |
Aerospace Web, Aerospace related information resource. |
AIAA Educational Programs |
Air Affair |
Air Force Research Laboratory Microfluidics Workshop (May 2003) |
APS Online Access Project (PROLA) Physics Reviews OnLine Archive |
ASME's Nanotechnology Institute |
Aviation's Busiest Hub in Cyberspace |
Aviation Laboratories |
CFD Online at Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden.
A very complete site. A must for anyone in CFD.
Contains links to job listings. |
CFD Review. News/Support/Information Clearing House for CFD Community.
of Science (COS) Web Server |
Copyright Clearance Center. The largest licenser of text reproduction rights in the
Danish Wind Turbine
Manufacturers Association
(Wind Energy Links) |
EUROTHERM web page is a reference for getting information on Conferences related to
thermal sciences (including heat transfer, multiphase flow, etc.), on International
Societies and Associations, on International Journals & Publishers, and more...
Maintained by Gian Piero Celata. |
Agency Homepages |
Fluid Dynamics and CFD |
Fluid Dynamics Web Pages
maintained by the Division of Fluid Dynamics of the
American Physical Society. Contains links to job listings. |
Fluids Links
maintained by the Fluid Mechanics Group at Virginia Tech. |
funded R & D Centers |
Mathematical Fluids Mailing List
This is the mailing list for announcements in Mathematical Fluids. |
National Air and Space Museum
Maintains the largest collection of historic air and spacecraft in the world. |
Navier-Stokes Equations Net
The purpose of this website is to connect researchers who work in the field of the Navier-Stokes equations
and related nonlinear problems, from a mathematical, engineering and
computational point of view.. |
Optical Methods in Heat and Mass Transfer |
Proceedings of the 9th International Symposium on Flow Visualization, National Library of Scotland, Edinburgh. |
Proceedings of the 8th International Symposium on Flow Visualization, National Library of Scotland, Edinburgh. |
Publishers. Try the Internet Book
Shop. |
SciCentral. Links to science and engineering research disciplines. |
Sites related to AUV research. |
Thermal Engineering Resources |
Turbulence Links Around the WWW. Very complete site maintained by George B. Ross. |
Wind Energy Links |
Yahoo links in fluid dynamics |
Yahoo links to aviation and aeronautics institutes |
U.S. Aerospace Departments from the World Wide Web Virtual
Library. |