Fluid Flow Calculators and Applets
Interactive Tools by M. van Rooij and H. Higuchi
Unit Conversion
Reynolds Number Calculator
Mach Number Calculator
Standard Atmosphere
Sports Aerodynamics (spin, baseball and golf ball)
Superposition of Elementary Flows Calculator
Airfoil Analysis Applet
Simulation of a Pendulum in a Fluid Calculator
Sound Wave Propagation
Shock Wave Simulation
Interactive Tools at FluidMech.net
Friction Factor Calculator - Virtual Moody Diagram.
Bluff Body Drag Calculators which provide the drag and drag coefficient for an assortment of bluff bodies
Drag vs Reynolds Number for cylinders and spheres
Incompressible, Flat-Plate Boundary Layers using Re-1/5scalings
Incompressible, Flat-Plate Boundary Layers using Re-1/7scalings
Gravity-Capillary Waves Calculator
Calculator for Waves in Solids
Liquid Viscosity Calculator
Liquid Thermal Conductivity Calculator
Gas Property Calculator
Interactive Tools by David Hill
Systems of Units
Operation of a Manometer
Hydrostatic Forces on Plane Surfaces
Dimensional Analysis
Basic Pipe Flow Calculations
Pipes in Parallel
Interactive Tools by C. Wassgren, C.M. Krousgrill and P. Carmody
Isentropic Flow Calculator
Fanno Flow Calculator
Rayleigh Flow Calculator
Normal Shock Relations Calculator
Oblique Shock Relations Calculator
Expansion Fan Calculator
Interactive Tools by Subrata Bhattacharjee.
Unit Converter
Tables and Charts
Gas Dynamics: High Speed Flows of Perfect Gases
Many, many thermodynamic calculators
Interactive Tools by Alina A. Alexeenko
Gas Dynamics Toolbox Applet
Interactive Tools by Gossman Consulting, Inc.
Flow calculator for pipes to determine if flow is turbulent
Interactive Tools by Ferdi Hellweger
UTFLOW - This applet computes and visualizes the EGL and HGL for a simple linear pipe system
Interactive Tools by Mark Mitchell
Animated Demonstration of Bernoulli's Principle
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