Fluid Flow Calculators and Applets
Interactive Tools by William Devenport and Joseph Schetz
Potential Flow Machine
Vortex Panel Method
Compressible Flow
Shock Tube
Converging Diverging Nozzle
Thermodynamics of Air
Real Gas Shock
Heat Conduction Applets
Layer Applets + Convection by William Devenport and Joseph Schetz
ILBLI which computes incompressible laminar boundary layers by an implicit numerical method
ITBL which computes incompressible turbulent boundary layers by an implicit numerical method
WALZ which computes incompressible laminar boundary layers using the Thwaites-Walz integral method
MOSES which computes incompressible turbulent boundary layers using Moses' method
WALZHT which computes incompressible laminar boundary layers with heat transfer using the Thwaites-Walz / Smith Spalding integral methods
MOSESHT which computes incompressible turbulent boundary layers using Moses' method extended to
include heat transfer
CLBL which computes compressible laminar boundary layers by an implicit numerical method
CTBL which computes compressible turbulent boundary layers using an implicit numerical method
LMNO Engineering (paid)
Open Channels/Culverts
Hydrology and Groundwater
Pressurized Conduits
LMNO Engineering (free)
Non-Circular to Circular Pipe Conversions
Energy Equation
Static Pressure from elevation
Minor Losses (valves, etc.)
Q = VA
Major Losses (pipe friction) Darcy-Weisbach
Major Losses (pipe friction) Hazen-Williams
Surface Roughness and Minor Loss Coefficients
Moody Friction Factor for Darcy-Weisbach
Equivalent Length of Pipe Calculations
Interactive Tools by Spyros Kinnas
Fluid in a manometer
Hydrostatic pressure and force on a submerged plane
Rotating U-tube Applet
Free surface of a rotating fluid
Flow through a Venturi tube
Force on a pipe bend
Required power and trajectory of a water jet
Head loss along a pipe
Inviscid Channel Flow Applet
Viscous Channel Flow Applet
Hydrofoil Flow
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