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Johns Hopkins active grid decaying turbulence experiment,
starting at R_lambda = 720. By H.S. Kang, S. Chester and C. Meneveau.
Johns Hopkins data from the axial turbomachinery experiment,
using the JHU index-matched facility. By O. Uzol, D. Brzozowski, Y.-C. Chow, J. Katz and C. Meneveau.
ERCOFTAC Fluid Dynamics Database at the Univ. of Surrey, UK
ERCOFTAC (European Research Community on Flow Turbulence And Combustion)
NASA Technical Reports Server
NAS Technical Reports Archive
NASA Technical Reports Server at Langley Research Center
NASA Data Set Archive
Princeton Superpipe and Boundary Layer Data
FlowNet: Flow Library on Web Network, Test Cases
JFE Database at Virginia Institute of Technology
Laser Doppler and Phase Doppler Signal and Data Processing
Adverse Pressure Gradient Turbulent Boundary Layer Data at Melbourne University
AGARD Test Cases for the Validation of Large-Eddy Simulations of Turbulent Flows
Boundary Layer Images and Data from University of Illinois
DATHET Database of Turbulent Heat Transfer, the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers
DNS and 3-D PTV Database at the Turbulence and Heat Transfer Laboratory, University of Tokyo
DNS Database of Turbulent Natural Convection in Horizontal Fluid Layers at Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe
DNS data for turbulence near a wall (JFM papers are cited on the web page)
Stanford University - Flow Physics and Computation Division
. Choose the Flow Physics And Computation Division, then Research
Turbulent Channel Flow with Heat Transfer at Science University of Tokyo
Tohoku University Institute of Fluid Science Database
Thermochemical Databases and Models for High-Temperature Materials Processing, Combustion, and Corrosion (Sandia National Labs)